Whether we look at all students or English learners, proficiency in language arts has increased for many years at schools utilizing our curriculum.

Favorable Results Earn Us Top Grades

On average, language arts proficiency increased by up to 13 percent for all students, and up to 21 percent for English learners. *
* At the top-performing schools using our curriculum
Chalk It Up to Experience and Passion

Our coaching, professional development, and support services help K – 12 teachers nationwide improve student literacy through our Write Up A Storm!® reading, writing, speaking, and listening system.

In Their Own Words

“I have been teaching for over 3 decades, and this is the first time I feel like I have strategies and a plan to help my students become great writers!”
— Barbara J, 3rd Grade Teacher

Teaching the Teachers Is Our Business
A leading educational consultant company, California-based Storm Educational Enterprises, Inc. provides professional development and educational consultancy services to schools and school districts around the country. Our proprietary and comprehensive literacy system includes demonstration lessons, cognitive coaching, turn-around coaching, and curricular materials. We train your educators and support staff to teach specific, vital reading comprehension and writing skills.

Staff to Make Measurable Gains
Evidence shows that students are falling short in the foundations of writing, such as:
- Topic development with logical progression of ideas
- Effective use of resources
- Concise, cogent, and logical thinking
- Showing relationships between and among ideas
- Syntax
- Organization
- Grammar
Lack of these skills leads to the inability to confidently produce narratives, arguments, opinions, and explanations. Write Up A Storm!® provides strategies and explicit instruction to help teachers close that gap and help their students achieve independence, fluency skills, and literacy proficiency.

Helping Those Who Most Need Our Help
Unlike most professional development companies, Storm Educational Enterprises, Inc. specializes in serving dual-language schools and school districts as well as those with significant populations of ESL (English as a Second Language) students. As dedicated former teachers and now highly qualified training professionals, we know what it takes to help these future scholars achieve a level of literacy at least equal to that of their English-speaking peers.